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Finding the owners manual for my Pioneer CRWM62R is greatly appreciated. I had searched several other web sites with no success. Although my manual was not listed on your site for immediate download, I recevied an email within a few hours that my ower's manual was posted for me. I had no difficulty downloading the manual for my 20 year old multi-cassette player. Owner Manuals provides a service that is valuable, easy-to-use, accurate , efficient, and priced fairly. I thank you.
PHILIPS PE1642 Owner's Manual
you have complet fullfilled my expectance.
Price is OK.
Robert Schmid
Text excerpt from page 80 (click to view)
The OSD Controls
To adjust the Brightness and Contrast, follow the steps below. Note: Brightness can also be adjusted without using the MAIN CONTROLS window. See the steps at the beginning of these instructions to learn how. 1) Press the highlighted. 2) Press the button until BRIGHTNESS & CONTRAST is highlighted. button on the monitor. The MAIN CONTROLS window appears. LANGUAGE is
3) Press the
button. The BRIGHTNESS & CONTRAST window appears. BRIGHTNESS is highlighted.
4) Press the
button to adjust the brightness. An 80% brightness is recommended. button until CONTRAST is highlighted. Next, press the
5) When finished with BRIGHTNESS, press the or
button to adjust the contrast. A 100% contrast is recommended.
file:///D|/Philips LCD/english/180P/OSD/OSD_CONT.HTM (8 of 18) [1/20/2001 3:20:23 PM]