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- Technische Daten
- Warnungen
- Anmerkungen
- Erläuterung zur Reparaturmethode
- Bildeinstellungen
- Abgleicharbeiten nach Reparaturen
- Farbteileinstellung
- Trimmdaten
- Detailzeichnungen, Kanalwähler
- Liste elektrischer Teile
- Einstellschema
- Bildröhreplatte
- Spurenseite mit Messdaten Monopaneel 14"/16"
- Bauteile seite Monopaneel 14"/16"
- Spurenseite mit Messdaten Monopaneel 20"
- Bauteile seite Monopaneel 20"
- Schaltbild A
- Übersicht Speisespannungen + Symbole
- Fehlersuchbaum A
- Fehlersuchbaum B
- Fehlersuchbaum C
- Fehlersuchbaum D
- Index Fehlersuchbaum
- Symboleliste für Fehlersuchbäume
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Very good conversation, Pretty fast Service, wood do it again,
Have paid by Paypal, so i got the Service Manual online after 15 Min.
Very helpfully.
Greeting from Germany,
Good-quality scans. Detailed description. I hope I can repair the machine.
High-quality scanning. Detailed description. Recommend for all technician. A+++
This is a good quality scan of the original Service Manual from Nordmende, Germany. Contains the circuit diagram, PCB layout, adjust/tune instructions as well. It is NOT in English but in GERMAN language! That was quite right for my german friend from the lower east side in Berlin.
Received via e-mail this PDF manual is worth the money. This is a quality scan of a manual in excellent condition and is just as good as having the original manual in hand. I have later seen the original manual and it was printed in colour, but this particular manual is black & white but scan resolution is high end quality! All drawings and pictures are presented in great detail. So, nearly perfect score in my opinion.
If you own the turntable you also should own the manual!
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