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Text excerpt from page 33 (click to view)
�list� or series of previously viewed channels can be selected with the QuadraSurf� (colored) buttons on your remote control. With this feature you can easily switch between different TV programs that currently interest you. The QuadraSurf� control allows you set up four different personal Surf lists using the colored buttons (on the remote control), each holding up to ten channels in its quick viewing�list.�
Select List!
1 2 3
Press the CHANNEL (+) or (�) buttons (or the NUMBER buttons) to select a channel to add to one of the SURF lists. Press the SMILEY button on the remote control to ADD the channel to one of the SURF lists. Press the corresponding COLORED (Red, Green, Yellow or Blue) button to add the channel to that button�s Surf list. (Up to ten channels per button can be stored.)
3 4 2
5 6 1
Repeat steps 1 through 3 to add additional channels (up to 10) to each of the the SURF lists.
To remove a channel from one of the SURF lists;
Remove Item? - Press
4 5 6
Press the COLORED QuadraSurf� button until the desired channel appears. The screen will display the channel number with a colored �Smiley� face to indicate the Colored button it relates to. While the �Smiley� face channel indicator is displayed, press the FROWNIE face button. The screen will read, �Remove item? Press .� Press the FROWNIE face button again to confirm your decision to remove the channel from the Surf list.
Repeat steps 4-6 to remove other channels from Surf lists.
Your remote also has an A/CH (Alternate Channel) button. Pressing this button will toggle between the Current and one previously selected channel.