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This is a very good quality print (scan) of the original SONY service manual. The original from Sony is on very thin paper. Nevertheless it is very clear and sharp and excellent readable. I'm very satisfied to have now this rare document. I've looking for it many years (infrequent). It contains very detailed circuit diagrams, exploded views, part lists, PCB view with good readable connection lines. Very recommended.
A complete manual with all the needed details of calibrations and service instructions about the radio receiver.
A big deal.
Many thanks !
Fast delivery and good quality copy. To be recommended
Excellent product, very clear print. Detailed circuit and assembly diagrams - this enabled me to repair my CD player with confidence. I highly recommend this site.
Fast access, 100% correct and complete service manual
3.0 Com Port setzen
Um die Verbindung zwischen Interface und PC herzustellen müssen Sie nun Ihren PC auf die richtige Eingangsbuchse stellen (Com Port). Bitte starten Sie den Comserver mit einem Doppelklick der Maus auf das Icon "ComServ".
3.0 Setting the Com port
To provide a connection between the interface and the PC, you must now set the correct communication port.
Double-click the "ComServ" icon to start the ComServer.
In der oberen Menuebake des ComServers müssen Sie den Punkt "Konfiguration" + "Schnittstellen" auswählen.
Choose the item "Schnittstellen" (interface) from the "Konfiguration" menu.
Stellen Sie nun die von Ihnen gewünschte Schnittstelle (V24 Port) ein und bestätigen mit "OK". Danach speichern Sie die Einstellungen.
Then set the desired interfaces (V24 port) and confirm with "OK". Click "OK" to store your settings.
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