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This is a top quality manual. You couldn't get better if you had the original and scanned it yourself. Best price on the net as well. Diagrams are clear and complete, text is sharp and easy to read. Granted you don't get the manual the second you click pay, but the few hours you have to wait for it to be available for download isn't a problem at all. This is a very reliable company.
Very VERY pleased with the product, and will buy others. Thanks!
In a word AWESOME.
I never expected the quality and abundant content that I got with this manual. Everything you'd ever want to know from a service perspective is found in this manual, along with... as a bonus, operating instructions on how to use the unit. WOW. Very impressed with the quality of the manual. You won't be disappointed if you're looking for the EVS900 service manual.
I thank Owen-Manuals.com for the wonderful service rendered to me, and this manual which I purchased helped me a lot in servicing my Denon System, which was lying in a dead state.
Thanks Owner-Manual.com
I purchased this manual to repair my Teac set and with the support of this manual I rectified the problem.
Thanks Owner-Manuals.com
Excellent service manual, i didn't believe i could find it for such old product, it is very explanatory, managed to fix the disk player!!!
3.0 Com Port setzen
Um die Verbindung zwischen Interface und PC herzustellen müssen Sie nun Ihren PC auf die richtige Eingangsbuchse stellen (Com Port). Bitte starten Sie den Comserver mit einem Doppelklick der Maus auf das Icon "ComServ".
3.0 Setting the Com port
To provide a connection between the interface and the PC, you must now set the correct communication port.
Double-click the "ComServ" icon to start the ComServer.
In der oberen Menuebake des ComServers müssen Sie den Punkt "Konfiguration" + "Schnittstellen" auswählen.
Choose the item "Schnittstellen" (interface) from the "Konfiguration" menu.
Stellen Sie nun die von Ihnen gewünschte Schnittstelle (V24 Port) ein und bestätigen mit "OK". Danach speichern Sie die Einstellungen.
Then set the desired interfaces (V24 port) and confirm with "OK". Click "OK" to store your settings.
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