This manual is very helpfull to use the Power Supply. All technical information has been available.
For service use the circuit diagrams are very good.
Thanks .
Very comprehensive document which is a must-have for any Satellit 2100 owner whose set up is somewhat intricate. Due to the bad quality of the pictures that are rather dark and a bit blurred I gave 4-star feedback.
The manual was missing 2 pages but when I presented the problem to the company they made every attempt to get the 2 pages to me, when they couldn't they refunded my money. A very pleasing and easy transaction. The manual they provided was the original, it was concise and to the point. I plan to do business with this company again when should the need arise.
Irrespectively of this manual exist only germany language, it's useful - although i need some additional task to translate: My english is bad, but usable - but i really dont speak germany. :)
Text excerpt from page 296 (click to view)
Preset Programming Editing Presets
Ord 4
Type LPF
Front panel knobs 1-2 are routed to the �lter parameters and will affect the initial settings made here. You may want to disconnect the PatchCords to gain total control over the �lter parameters.
Go to the Filter Frequency and Q screen. Position the cursor in the Freq: �eld as shown in the following illustration.
FILTER 255 Q: 000
The Frequency parameter determines the �lter cutoff frequency or the frequency the �lter uses as the highest frequency allowed to pass. If you play the keyboard now, you should hear the raw sound. Slowly decrease the �lter cutoff frequency value as you play the keyboard. The sound gets more and more dull as you remove more and more high frequencies from the sound. At some point, the sound completely disappears. (You have �ltered out everything.) The chart on the following page illustrates what you just did.
100 80
Cutoff Frequency
Output of Filter
60 40 20
160 360 720 1440 2880 ...
3. 4.
Open the �lter back up to 255, then move the cursor to the Q �eld. Set the Q to 10, then move the cursor back under the Freq value. As you change the frequency, notice that the sound now has a sharp, nasal quality. A high Q boosts or ampli�es the frequencies at the cutoff frequency (Fc). Reset the cutoff frequency to the lowest setting and the Q to 00.