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� Press the * key to jump over pictures that have already been revealed or to move from the top left to the bottom right. � Press the # key to jump to the left over already-revealed pictures or to move from the bottom right to the top left. Once found, pairs stay visible.
� Snake
This game places an object, which represents a piece of food, in the middle of the screen. At the bottom of the screen is a line that represents the snake. 1 Use the following keys as cursors: 2 (up), 4 (left), 6 (right), and 8 (down). 2 Move the snake toward the food and watch the snake grow. The longer the snake�s tail grows, the higher the score. If the snake hits its own tail or the surrounding wall, the game is over.
� Logic
This game asks you to find a secret combination of figures. At the beginning of the game, four figures appear on the top left portion of the phone�s screen. Underneath the far left of these figures is a blinking bracket. 1 Press the 5 key to replace the bracket with a blinking figure. 2 Use the following keys as cursors: 2 (up), 4 (left), and 8 (down). 3 Try to find the secret combination of figures. To copy a figure from a previously accepted row, start scrolling with the 4 key, move the cursor to the desired figure in the normal way, and accept the selection with the 5 key. 4 Once you think you have the right combination, press the * key.
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