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Bought T4850 High End Tuner a few years ago, but i didn't know where all the buttons were used for. So i purchased the owners manual. Perfect! Just what i needed.

Bought the used Philips car-radio. No manual! Found on this site a copy of the orginal English manual. I am very happy with it. Now I know how to setup and use my "new" car-radio.
Recommended site for everybody looking for a manual for (older) products!

Great deal, you are the only one on earth who could deliver this old manual. Thx so much and have nice chrismas

Everything is OK. Owner's Manual I downloaded ( I get link for it by email).

The only reason I gave this less than 4 stars, is because it shouldn't take 24 hrs to have the download available. I was surprised to find that I had to wait until the next day to be able to download the manual that I paid for.
The manual itself is the correct manual.
Oven Characteristics
Everyoven has itsown characteristics. Youmayfindthatthe cookingtimesand temperaturesyou were accustomedto withyourprevious oven may needto be alteredslightly with your new oven. It is normal to notice some differences betweenthisoven and your previousoven�
How To Set Oven.Controls
Toturnthe ovenon,both the Thermostatknoband Selector knob mustbe set. The oven willnot operateifthe Selector knobisleftinthe OFF position. oturnthe ovenoff,turnboth T knobsto the OFF position. To set the oven for baking or roasting: 1. When cool, position the oven rackin the ovendepending onwhat you are baking. 2. Turnthe Thermostatknobtothe desiredtemperatureand the Selectorknobto BAKE. 3. Allow the oven to preheat for 10 to 15 minutes.The indicato light,locatedbelowthe knob,willturn offwhen r the oven reaches the presettemperature. 4. Place the food in the center of the oven, allowinga minimum of two inches betweenthe utensil and the oven walls. 5. Check the food for doneness at the minimum time in the recipe. Cook longer if necessary. Remove food from the oven and turn the Thermostat knob and Selector knob to OFF.
� Fan
A fan automatically turnson wheneverthe oven isset for a cooking operation.The fan will turn off when the oven is turnedoff, (Note: The loweroven of the double wall oven modelhasafan and operatesas describedabove.)
Oven Controls
The Thermostatknobismarked"UPPER OVEN"for double ovens and "OVEN & BROILER"for single wall ovens.This knob is used to select and maintain the oven temperature, Always turn this knob just TO the desired temperature not to a higher temperature and then back. This allows for more preciseoven temperatures and is especially important if the oven is being set for a critical baking operation. Turn this knob to OFF whenever the oven is not in use.
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Double Wall Oven - Lower Oven
cakes, cookies, biscuits, or pies. Use either oven for non-critical type of cooking such as meats or casseroles. The lower oven is equipped oven. Broiling is done in the upper with only a bake element. For best results,usethe upper ovenfordelicate cookingsuchas To set the lower oven for baking or roasting: 1. Turnthe LOWEROVEN knobtothe desiredtemperature setting. (Note: The Selector knob is not used with the loweroven.) 2. Allow the oven to preheat for 10 to 15 minutes.The indicatorlight,locatedbelowthe knob,willturn offwhen the oven reachesthe presettemperature. 3. Place the food in the center of the oven, allowinga minimumof two inches between the utensil(s) and the oven walls. 4. Checkthe foodfordonenessat the minimumtime.Cook longerifnecessary. 5. Removefood fromthe ovenand turnthe LOWER OVEN knobto OFF.
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The Selector knob determinesthe type of oven operation. Turn this knob to the desired setting. Each setting is identified byan indent(stop)and a "click"sound.(Note:The loweroven for doublewall oven modelsdoes not have a Selector knob.)
Oven Indicator
The OVEN indicator light,locatedonthecontrolpanelbelow theknob,turnsonwhenevertheovenisturnedon.Whenthe ovenreachesthe presettemperature,the indicator lightwill turnoffandthencycleonand off astheovenelementscycle onand off.