Featured Product
- Mecha Block (1/2)
- Mecha Block (2/2)
- Main PC Board Block
- Assembly Block
- Final Assembly Block
- Index
- Resistor and Capacitor which is not Listed in this Parts List, Please Refer to Common List for Service Parts
- Section 1 - Service Manual
- Section 2 - Parts List
- Section 3 - Schematic Diagram
- Specifications
- Dismantling of Unit
- Controls
- Principal Parts Location
- Mechanical Adjustment
- Pinch Roller Pressure Measurement
- Winding Torque Measurement in each Mode
- Tape Speed Adjustment
- Dial Cord Stringing
- Electrical Adjustment
- AM (MW) Adjustment
- FM Section Adjustment
- Cassette Deck Section Adjustment
- Classification of Various PC Boards
- PC Board Titles and Identification Numbers
- Composition of Various PC Boards
- For Basic Adjustments, Measuring Methods and Operating Principles Refer to General Technical Manual
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Excellent service from Owner-Manuals.com, good prices and quick turn around. The supplied PDF was good enough quality to be enlarged sufficiently to read component values.
Very complete shop manual. It contains everything needed to troubleshoot bascially any problem. Instructions, diagrams, schmeatics, illustrations... it's all there. Highly recommended!
Great product, very good quality, found all needed information. Thanks
Excellent quality, helped to fix problem. Thank you very much!!!!
I thank Owner-Manuals.com for providing the necessary manual very quickly, and it was very helpful in repairing my personal Audio System and I once again thank them for the wonderful customer's service satisfaction.
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