Finding the owners manual for my Pioneer CRWM62R is greatly appreciated. I had searched several other web sites with no success. Although my manual was not listed on your site for immediate download, I recevied an email within a few hours that my ower's manual was posted for me. I had no difficulty downloading the manual for my 20 year old multi-cassette player. Owner Manuals provides a service that is valuable, easy-to-use, accurate , efficient, and priced fairly. I thank you.
Came in the mail within a few hours. Gave clear instruktion on maintaines. Is of great use to have this manual in house
Text excerpt from page 19 (click to view)
In the original performance, we can see that although the final note should be centered around D, the vocalist allowed the tail of the note to fall nearly three semitones flat. The �after� plot is the result of passing this phrase through Auto-Tune 4�s Automatic Mode programmed to a D Major Scale (with C # and B set to �Remove�) and a Retune Speed setting of 25. That Retune Speed causes the pitch center to be moved to D, while still retaining the vibrato and expressive gestures. (Setting C # and B to �Remove� is necessary to keep Auto-Tune 4 from trying to correct the seriously flat tail of the last note to those pitches. See Chapter 3 for more details.)
Graphical Mode
The Graphical Mode is similar to the Automatic Mode in that it also continuously tracks the pitch of the incoming sound and modifies the output pitch to be closer to a desired pitch. But in the Graphical Mode, the desired pitch is not a predefined scale tone, but rather is a graphical representation of your desired pitch. As in Automatic Mode, the rate of change towards the desired pitch is controlled by the Retune control.