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as always, rapid and efficient, very good and clear prints
details clearly visible keep going this way!!!!!!
I expect a wonderful result as alaways!!!!!!
Usually is much faster....
Wow very wonderful and clear!!!! I will always trust them
Providing the manual works fine, quickly and without any problems for an acceptable price. After printing the service manual it took me only a short time to repair my carradio from Clarion. Thank You! Greetings from Heiko
I was searching a way to modify the original phono-in entry (for connection of vynil disc player, with RIAA equalization) to a line-in entry (for connection of modern analog entries, eg. ipod, mp3player).
This service manual gave me the correct hints.
It contains very useful infos for repairing and modifing the hi-fi, such as disassembling instructions, block diagrams, schematic diagrams, PCB prints, replacement parts list.
Very good!
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