Finding the owners manual for my Pioneer CRWM62R is greatly appreciated. I had searched several other web sites with no success. Although my manual was not listed on your site for immediate download, I recevied an email within a few hours that my ower's manual was posted for me. I had no difficulty downloading the manual for my 20 year old multi-cassette player. Owner Manuals provides a service that is valuable, easy-to-use, accurate , efficient, and priced fairly. I thank you.
Easy to access. Clear instructions. No problems. Printed fine.
Text excerpt from page 21 (click to view)
3 Press the ë buttons to choose a name.
Then press the 3 button.
The LIST disappears and the name is assigned to the EXT terminal.
3 Press the 3 button to complete the
The menu disappears.
� During dubbing, you cannot turn off the TV. Turning off the TV also turns off the output from the EXT-2 terminal. � When you choose an EXT terminal as an output, you can view a TV programme or a picture from the other EXT terminal while dubbing the picture from a device connected to the EXT terminal onto a VCR connected to the EXT-2 terminal. � The RGB signals from TV games cannot be output.Teletext programmes cannot be output.
To erase a name assigned to the EXT terminal:
Choose a blank space.
4 Press the 3 button to complete the
The menu disappears.
� You cannot choose an EXT terminal name that is not on the name list (LIST).
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You can choose a signal source to be output from the EXT-2 terminal. You can do this with the output signal of the device connected to another EXT terminal, or the picture and sound from a TV channel you are currently viewing.
1 Press the ì buttons to choose the EXT-2
2 Press the ë buttons to choose another
EXT terminal or TV.
The arrow in the menu represents a signal flow. The left side of the arrow shows a signal source output from the EXT-2 terminal.
The output signal of the device connected to an EXT terminal passes through the TV and is output from the EXT-2 terminal.
The picture and sound of the TV channel you are currently viewing are output from the EXT-2 terminal.