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Text excerpt from page 34 (click to view)
Remote control buttons and functions
RETURN + button
You can set a channel you frequently view to the Return Channel and you can view that channel at any time with one-touch. To set the channel to the Return Channel: 1 Select the channel you want to set to the Return Channel. 2 Press this button and hold until the message �RETURN PLUS PROGRAMMED!� appears.
� When you turn off the TV, the Return Channel setting is cancelled.
You can quickly view all TV channels programmes that you can view on your TV, and search for the programme you want to view. 1 Press this button to start scanning TV channels. The TV channel programmes are each displayed for several seconds.
� The programmes of TV channels for which the SKIP function is set to �YES� are not displayed.
2 When you find the programme you want to view, press this button again to stop scanning.
To view the Return Channel: Press this button.
� You can view two channels (current channel and Return Channel) alternately by pressing this button.
To cancel the Return Channel setting: Press this button and hold until the message �RETURN PLUS CANCELLED!� appears. If no channel is set to the Return Channel: You can view the channel selected right before the current channel by pressing this button.