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Excellent quality, helped to fix problem. Thank you very much!!!!
I thank for providing the necessary manual very quickly, and it was very helpful in repairing my personal Audio System and I once again thank them for the wonderful customer's service satisfaction.
Everything fine: quick service, no glitch and above all a very good quality of the Pdf file. Thank you!
The manual was complete, parts list, adjustment procedures, etc. No worries
Very usefully, I could find the trouble clearly with that manual.
2. The right and left load levers move toward the front part of the mechanical module, to release the locking of the load cam, at the front and rear ends of the levers, with the four shafts of the CRG chassis unit and the shaft of the clamp arm. The right front section of the load cam turns the clamp switch ON, completing the clamp operation.
A shaft (CRG) locked with the cam A shaft (clamp arm) locked with the cam A shaft (CRG) locked with the cam Shafts (CRG) locked with the cam
2.4 Disk eject operation
1. When the loading motor turns in reverse, the disk eject operation begins. 2. The ejection of a 12 cm disk is completed when the SW3 turns OFF, then ON, and then OFF again. 3. The ejection of an 8 cm disk is completed when the SW2 turns OFF, then ON, and then OFF again.