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It was easy to order and received exactly what I needed. Only complaint would be the 24 hours you have to wait.
Manual was delivered in a timely manner and was all in English as advertised. The manuals I received when we moved into our flat were in German, Italian, and French. Having never used a steamer before, and not speaking/reading German very well, I needed an English Manual. this was a huge help.
Great Manual. This manual is available no where else. It was exactly what I was looking for. Only in German.
This GRUNDIG UV5A Owner Manual is not only an instruction manual but a total functional circuit description of the Multimeter and includes circuit diagram at the end pages. It is very helpful for repairing and calibrating the instrument. It is written in two languages English and German for international support. It was very easy to repair my unit with this document. Regards, Regis Pauly, Electrical Engineer.
The owner's manual was evetything I thought it would be. I was able to print it out using both sides of the paper in quick order, saving me a search online for a used one. Page 53 Monday, May 8, 2006 6:17 PM
Mobile e pannello comandi
� Lavare con un panno morbido e umido. � � possibile utilizzare un po� di detergente neutro (non abrasivo). � Asciugare con un panno morbido.
Guarnizione dell�oblò
� Pulire di tanto in tanto con un panno umido. � Controllare regolarmente lo stato della guarnizione.
� Controllare regolarmente, almeno due o tre volte all�anno, il filtro per corpi estranei e, se necessario, pulirlo (vedere �Come rimuovere il filtro per corpi estranei�).
Non utilizzare liquidi infiammabili per pulire l�apparecchio.
Cassetto detersivo
1. Premere verso il basso la leva nel comparto lavaggio principale ed estrarre il cassetto (fig. �A�). 2. Rimuovere la griglia del coperchio dal comparto ammorbidente. Rimuovere il separatore dal comparto del lavaggio principale estraendolo (fig. �B�). 3. Risciacquare con acqua corrente. 4. Riposizionare il separatore e le griglia nel cassetto detersivo e inserire quest�ultimo nell�apposita apertura.
Black process 45.0° 100.0 LPI