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I was so happy that the owner's manual was available. It is well written and helped me to use the radio/CD player/recorder without problems. Thanks for making it available.
Irene Lambert
Excellant!!! Very quick and easy....Best $4.99 I have spent in a very long time..
I highly recommend this.
Thanks so much for the Owner's manual for my Sony PS - FL1. I had purchased the turntable off of eBay. It came in and looked great. Packed well and appeared to be great. I balanced and aligned the tone are and hooked it up. When trying to play a record the tone are would move to the right place and just before it would drop to play it moved back off the edge of the record before touching down. I searched the net for an answer to this issue. No luck. Then I purchased the owners manual and sure enough there was a place to adjust where the stylus touched down. That adjustment solved the problem and saved me a $35 feet to have the player checked out. The manual is well written and easy to understand. It is a must have for anyone with this front loading Sony turntable.
Some years back I pruchased a Sansui G-9000. I had it cleaned up and a problem with the left channel repaired. When I got it back I hooked it up to my tape decks, turn tables, TV and it played great. The only thing I was not really satisfied with was the performance of my Graphic Equalizer. I purchased this owner's manual had poured myself a cup of coffee. The manual is well organized and written in plain language. It also contained the solution to my dissatisfaction. By using the preamp connections coupled I was able to run everything through my graphic equalizer and now enjoy the full potential of my complete system.
An excellent service for the price, however, it would also have been handy if the troubleshooter pages were included. The manual is only sent in the language of your country, thus it looks as though there are some pages missing. Otherwise highly recommended.
1. Mobile
Pulire il mobile della macchina con acqua tiepida e un detersivo neutro non abrasivo. Sciacquare con acqua pulita e asciugare con uno strofinaccio morbido. Importante: non usare alcool, solventi o prodotti similari per la pulizia del mobile.
2. Cassetto detersivo
I detersivi e gli additivi formano, a lungo andare, delle incrostazioni. Pulire il cassetto detersivo di tanto in tanto, passandolo sotto il rubinetto dell�acqua. Per estrarre completamente il cassetto dalla macchina, premere sul tasto in fondo a sinistra. Per poter pulire più facilmente il cassetto, è possibile togliere la parte alta delle vaschette riservate agli additivi.
A lungo andare, il detersivo può formare incrostazioni nella sede del cassetto: pulire con un vecchio spazzolino da denti. Rimettere il cassetto al suo posto.
3. Filtro di scarico dell�acqua
Il ruolo del filtro consiste nella raccolta di filacci e di piccoli oggetti lasciati inavvertitamente nella biancheria. Controllare periodicamente che il filtro sia pulito. Aprire lo sportellino. Mettere un recipiente sotto il filtro e svitarlo; è normale che fuoriesca una piccola quantità d�acqua. Estrarre il filtro. Pulirlo sotto il rubinetto e rimetterlo al suo posto riavvitandolo a fondo.
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