5 star quality on these downloadable manuals. Easy to read and all the information is there. A must when doing a custom install or needing to service your precious old school electronics.
very helpful, the information in these manuels are very detailed
Text excerpt from page 9 (click to view)
the six strongest transmitters from that Reception range stored. RDS transmitters become with the automatic Storage prefers and on first Memory sizes put down. When leaving the reception range that stored transmitter again branch branch press, in order to store new transmitters. AS-memory sizes can also manually are occupied (see �memory�, page 10). Becomes TP forwards or during automati schen storing switched on, calls that Equipment after terminating the transmitter browsing a memory size with Verkehrsfunksender on (not necessarily memory size 1).
UKW auxiliary memory
Additionally to the station keys that puts Turns out an UKW auxiliary memory on, in that all receptionable UKW transmitters abgespei are chert. In this memory can do with that Browsing keys become �leafed�. The UKW auxiliary memory becomes either by automatic storing (AS) or manually again created. Sheets in the UKW auxiliary memory: RDS switch on. Browsing keys or touch lightly briefly �. In the display those appear Frequencies and/or program name that Transmitter, in the UKW auxiliary memory after Senderkette are sorted put down. Update the UKW auxiliary memory: RDS key approx. 2 sec. press, to Backward tone sounds. In the display appears briefly
Or: Branch branch press, to backward tone he sounds. Here become however on the AS Memory sizes of the station keys gespei cherten transmitters overwritten.
Stored transmitters call up
Select wave band (�U�, �UAS�, �M�, �MAS�, �L�). Then the desired station gropes press. Around the transmitters stored with AS to call, only select wave band (�U� or �M�), then branch branch press briefly.
The memory procedure is after approximately 30 sec. finally, and it becomes the strongest Transmitter adjusted in the reception area. On the station keys the stored Transmitters are not overwritten here!