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Super manual it contains all the things you need to service your Marantz 2100.
A very easy to understand and use manual. Well worth the money.
Very good information with clear drawings. Thanks!
The ease of this purchase was a good start. The content of this manual was exactly all I needed to retore my Tandberg 64.
All of the mechanical and electrical information is contained in the manual and the quality of the document makes reading the data easy.
The exerience with the resource has made this my prime source for technical data.
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a new Life.Thanks alot for your perfekt Service.
Sensor Adjustment 1. Enter the adjustment mode and select �Mech Adjust� with the JOG dial, and press the dial. 2. Press the GROUP 1 button to operate the loading mechanism, and continue pressing until the disc table locks. (Fig-3) 3. Loosen the fixing screw and move the holder so that both PLAY button LED (green) and the ARTIST MODE button LED (green) light. If the holder is not in the correct position, the MEGA CONTROL button LED (orange) or the PAUSE button LED (orange) lights. 4. Moving the disc table right and left with a hand after the screw is fixed, the table will move by the play of a disc table. If the LEDs light up alternately, the adjustment will be performed correctly. (Fig-4)
At this position,this part will be locked.
Holder (table sensor 400) S tight, screw (PTTWH 3 � 6)
Table (400) assembly