Very good reproduction (copy) of original manual. Didn't have a parts list, but schematic was completely labeled with parts. Complete instructions on how to adjust mechanical functions of the 8-track deck. Well worth having and at a very reasonable cost.
It's a full manual. All the parts are in there. I haven't found the problem yett, but I am working on it; hope I can rebuild the part myself. To make it more secure and unbreakable this time. Because the part has failed several times before and costs a lot to let it be repaired.
Thanks so much for this rich illustrated and parted manual.
Text excerpt from page 43 (click to view)
7 Troubleshooting
7-2-7 Poor Focus
Adjust focus VR.
Improved focus?
Aging monitor and check for focus change.
No Check focus leads from FBT to CRT Socket.
Check the CRT Socket.
Is dynamic focus circuit right?
Refer to 7-1-15 Dynamic Focus Failure.
Yes Replace the CRT and verify focus.
7-2-8 Purity Failure
Purity is right?
No Degaussing circuit is right? No Refer to 7-1-20 Degaussing Failure.