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- Chapter 1 General
- Chapter 2 Schematic Diagrams and P.C.B's
- Tuner/IF
- S - VHS Interface (I)
- NICAM Decoder
- Control Unit
- Scan Velocity Modulator
- CRT Board
- Wiring Diagram
- Chapter 3 Spare Parts Lists
- Components Chart
- Control Unit 85709.050
- S - VHS Interface (I) 85002.051
- CRT P.C.B 85506.150
- D2 - MAC Decoder 85003.056
- Scan Velocity Modulator 85834.055
- Chassis 85030.223
- Appendix
- LOEWE Establishments
- Service Mode Commands
- Alignment Instructions
- Option Bytes Table
- Chassis C 9003 (Schematic Diagrams and P.C.B's)
- Foreign Representations
- Kapitel l Allgemeines
- Kapitel 2 Schaltbilder und Leiterplatten
- Tuner/ZF 85051
- S - VHS - Schnittstelle (I)
- NICAM - Decoder
- Bedienteil 85709
- Geschwindigkeitsmodulator
- Bildrohrplatte
- Verdrahtungsplan
- Kapitel 3 Ersatzteilelisten
- Baugruppenübersicht
- Bedienteil 85709.050
- S - VHS - Schnittstelle (I) 85002.051
- Bildrohrplatte 83616.064
- D2 - MAC - Decoder 85003.056
- Geschwindigkeits - Mod. 85834.055
- Chassis 85030.223
- Anhang
- LOEWE - Niederlassungen
- Service - Mode - Befehle
- Abgleichanweisung
- Option Bytes Tabelle
- Chassis C 9003 (Schaltbild + Leiterplatte)
- Auslandsvertretungen
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Very good manual, in depth and complete. Only criticism is that some of the circuit diagrams are slightly blurry and hard to follow for long periods of time, but this is to be expected. Perfect for any maintenance required. Also contains the wiring diagrams of the control cable for constructing extensions.
Received a quick response, material was exactly what it was supposed to be. The service did everything I expected it to do. would use service again.
Detailed SONY CFD980 Service Manual at an easy to find one stop shopping. Make my radio hobby technically interesting. Thanks.
Excellent service from Owner-Manuals.com, good prices and quick turn around. The supplied PDF was good enough quality to be enlarged sufficiently to read component values.
Very complete shop manual. It contains everything needed to troubleshoot bascially any problem. Instructions, diagrams, schmeatics, illustrations... it's all there. Highly recommended!
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