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It is OK, this manual help me to repair my dynacord
Good manual. Even it is an old printed manual, it is well scanned and complete, with all drawings, schematics and parts list. Very good return for the cost.
I'm very satisfied with my purchase. It resolved my problem. is a very very good place.
Thank you!
Veramente completo, dettagliato e perfetto nella visione. Perfect, thanks!
Fully functional usable service manual. Considering the age of the manual and device quality was better than expected
Wiring of the power supply block at time of assembly
Area of Importance When assembling the power supply block (1)Connect the CNLC (2)Be cautious of pinching the wires when assembling the power supply (in particular, the CNLC) (3)Connect the AC lead After hooking the CNPW2, TSW, and #6800 cables to the hook on the side of the ballast holder, hook the CNPW1 cable.
Power supply block
Filter board
Earth lead AC lead
When connecting the AC lead connector to the CN105, make sure it locks in place completely
Limit switch board
Wiring diagram 3 (C11XM)