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the manual was just what i wanted it had all the revelent information required to operate the hifi .Iwould use any manual i downloaded for any item which needs a manual
Die gewünschte Bedienungsanleitung wurde vereinbarungsgemäß in deutsch bereitgestellt. Sie ist gut lesbar. Kein Kauderwelsch.
Danke für den Service.
Excellent product and service. I bought a second-hand Casio CPS-60 keyboard which had no manual. Packed full of features which I had no idea how to operate . . .
Google search found this site (and others with the same manual for sale for $8.99!)
I bought the manual and within an hour the download was available. Quality of the scanned images is good - very clear - and the PDF has been created with the pages in the correct order.
I would definitely use this site again.
I found this rare manual, in french ! The brand of my washing machine is not famous but this site had the manual, that is perfect.
Turning on the fan
Automatically switching back the Intensive power level The intensive level "4" can be programmed to automatically switch back to level "3" after 10 minutes. ^ Press the On/Off button. The fan runs at power level "2". The On/Off indicator lights. ^ Turn the fan and the lights off.
Selecting the power level
^ Press and hold the Delay Shut Down button for 10 secs. The first indicator of the fan power levels lights. ^ Use the "�/+" controls to select the desired power level. + = increases the fan speed � = decreases the fan speed Level "1" to "3" (green indicators) are usually sufficient for normal cooking. Intensive setting Level "4" (yellow indicator) should be used for a short period when frying or cooking food with a strong aroma. � the "�" button, and � the right light button, ^ Press the following buttons one after another,
� the right light button again.
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