Bon produit. Permet de corriger les couleurs et de redonnez un petit coup de jeune à vos vieilles vidéos. On regrettera juste le manque d'une prise s-vidéo.
Fast, clear and useful. Important for me: the manual is in German.
Text excerpt from page 43 (click to view)
Set the RF input terminal input to open when performing the following adjustments and checks.
6.2.1 Check
(1) Select No. 35 "CHECK VCXO" from the test software menu. (Refer to page 65.) (2) Press the Enter key. After confirming that �UPPER SIDE� is displayd on the screen,check that the frequency is above 27.001000 MHz. (3) Press the Enter key. After confirming that "LOWER SIDE" is displayed on the screen, check that the frequency is below 26.999000 MHz.
6.1 IC2001(ST20TP2BX505) Clock Frequency Adjustment
Confirm the clock frequency at K2001 is 27 MHz ± 200 Hz. If the data is not within the spec. re-adjust TC3501 to 27MHz ± 200Hz.
6.2 Check and Readjustment of VCXO Variable Range
Check using the Test software. (Refer to 7.2 DIAGNOSIS for details of the test software.)
6.2.2 Readjustment
Readjust if the results do not satisfy the specifications after the checks. Rotate the trimmer and adjust so that both (2) and (3) are satisfied in the above steps (1) to (3).