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Service Manual

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  • Contains Circuit Diagrams
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Price: $4.99

Description of SANYO DC-DA1000UK Service Manual

Complete service manual in digital format (PDF File). Service manuals usually contains circuit diagrams, printed circuit boards, repair tips, wiring diagrams, block diagrams and parts list. Service Manual ( sometimes called Repair Manual ) is used mainly by technicians.

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 TA2000F SONY Service Manual by George Fridrich;
Everything in the manual was excellent except for a couple of pictures of specific areas in the unit that were a little dark. Owners Manuals re-sent the pdf file & the problem was corrected. Excellent product! George
 MHCMG110 SONY Service Manual by Muhammad Ahmad;
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Text excerpt from page 12 (click to view)
IC601 IC LC72338-9B55 (Single-Chip PLL + Controller)
PIn name Pin No. I/O I/O Format Functions Port only for key return signal input. The threshold voltage is set to a relatively low value. When a key matrix is formed by combining PB and PC ports, maximum three simultaneous key presses can be detected. All of four pull-down resistor are set by the IOS instruction with Pn=2, bl and specification of resistor for each pin is impossible. The input is disabled in clock stop mode. PB0 PB1 PB2 PB3 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Port only for key source signal output. Since the output transistor circuit is an unbalanced CMOS structure, diodes to prevent short-circuiting due to multiple key presses are not required. In clock stop mode, these pins go to the output high-impedance state and hold this state until an output instruction is executed. General-purpose output/serial I/O ports. Schmidt type input the IOS instruction performs switching between general-purpose I/O ports and serial I/O ports, and between input and output for general-purpose I/O ports. � When used as general-purpose I/O ports these pins can be set for input or output in bit units(bit I/O), and are set for use as general-purpose I/O ports by the IOS instruction with Pn=0. 0 � � � general-purpose port 1 � � � SI/O port Specification of input or output is made by the IOS instruction PG0 PG1/SCK0 PG2/SO0 PG3/SI0 6 5 4 3 in bit units. I/O CMOS posh-pull 0 � � � Input 1 � � � Output � When used as serial I/O ports these pins are set for serial I/O port use by the IOS instruction with Pn=0. The content of serial I/O data buffer is saved or load by the INR and OUTR instructions. *Pin setup states when used as serial I/O ports PG0 � � � general-purpose input or output PG1 � � � SCK0 output in internal block SCK0 input in external block PG2 � � � SO0 output PG3 � � � SI0 input In clock stop mode, input is disabled and these pins go to the high-impedance state. During the power-on reset, these pins become general-purpose input ports. 4.5MHz crystal oscillator pin. Charge pump output pin. These pins go to high-impedance state when the HOLD pin is set low in the hold enable state. In ckock stop mode, during the power-on reset and in the PLL stop state, these pins go to the high-impedance state. Power supply pin. FMVCO (local oscillator) input pin. This pin is selected by the PLL instruction CW1 (b1=0,b0=don't care). Capacitor coupling must be used for signalinput. Input is disabled when the HOLD pin is set low inthe hold enable state. Input is disable in clock stop mode,during the power-on reset, and in the PLL stop state. AMVCo (lcal oscillator) input pin. This pin is selected and the band set by the PLL instruction CW1 (b1,b0). b1 b0 Band 1 0 2 to 40MHz (SW) 1 1 0.5 to 10MHz (MW,NW) Capacitor coupling must be used for signal input. Input is disabled when the HOLD pin is set low in the hold enable state. Input is disabled in clock stop mode, during the power-on reset, and in the PLL stop state. Universal counter / general-purpose input port. The IOS instruction b3 with Pn=3 switches the pin function between universal counter input and general-purpose input. � Frequency measurement The universal counter function is selected by an IOS instruction with Pn=3 and b2=0. HCTR frequency measurement mode is set up by a UCS instruction with b3=0 and b2=0, and counting is started with a UCC instruction after the count time is selected. The CNTEND flag is set when the count completes. To operate this circuit as an AC amplifier in this mode, the input must be capacitor coupled. � For use as the general-purpose input pin. The general-porpose input port function is selected by an IOS instruction with Pn=3 and b2=1. An internal register (address OEH) input instruction INR(b0) is used to acquire data from this pin. Input is disabled in clock stop mede (the input pin will be pulled down.) During the power-on reset, the universal counter function is selected. Voltage sense / general-purpose input pin port. This circuit is designed for a relatively low input threshold voltage. � For use as the voltage sense pin This input pin is is used to determine whether or not a power failure occurred after recovery from backup (clock stop) mode. An internal sense F/F is used for this determination. The sense F/F is tested with a TUL instruction (b2). � For use as the general-purpose input port When used as a genaral-purpose input port, the state is sensed by using a TUL instruction (b3). Since unlike other input ports, input is not disablle in clock stop mode and during the power-on reset, special care is required with respect to through currents. PG � � � Pn=6 b0=SI/O 0

PIn name Pin No. I/O I/O Format

Functions Universal counter (freqency and period measurement) / generalpurose input port. This IOS instruction b3 with Pn=3 swithes the pin function between universal counter input and general-puropse input. � Frequency measurement The universal counter function is selected by an IOS instruction with Pn=3 and b3=0. LCTR frequency measurement mode is set up by a UCS instruction with b3=0 and b2=1, and counting is started with a UCC instruction after the count time is selected. The CNTEND flag is set when the count completes. To operate this circuit as an AC amplifier in this mode, the input must be capacitor coupled. � Period measurement With the universal counter function selected, a UCS instruction with b3=1 and b2=0 sets up the period measurement mode and a UCC instruction starts counting after selecting the count time. The CNTEND flag is set when the count completes. In this mode, the signal must be input with DC coupling to turn off the bias feedback resistor. � For use as general-purpose input pin use. The general-purpose input port function is selected by an IOS instruction with Pn=3 and b3=1. An internal register (address OEH) input instruction INR(b1) is used to acquire data from this pin. Input is disabled in clock stop mode. (The input pin will be pulled down.) During the power-on reset. The universal counter function(in HCTR frequency measurement mode) is selected. PLLcontrol and CLOCK STOP mode control pin. Setting this pin low in the hold enable state disables input to the FMIN and AMIN pins and sets the E0 pin to the high-impedance state. To enter clocl stop mode, set the HOLDEN flag, set this pin low, and execute a CKSTP instruction. To clear clock stop mode set this pin high. General-purpose input ports/ADC input pins. The IOS instruction with Pn=7 switches the pin function between genetal-purpose input ports and ADC inputs. � For use as the general-purpose input port The IOS instruction with Pn=7 specifies the use as generalpurpose input port in bit units. � For use as ADC input pin The IOS instruction with Pn=7 specifies the use as ADC in bit units. The IOS instruction with Pn=1 specifies the pin to convert. The UCC instruction (b2) starts a conversion. The ADCE flag will be set when the conversion completes. Note) Executing an input instruction for a port specified for ADI use will always return low since input is disabled. These pins must be set up for general-purpose input port usage before an input instruction is excuted. (In other words, the port must be set to the general-porpose input function before the input instruction is executed.) Input is disabled in clock stop mode. During the power-on reset these pins go to the general-purpose input port function. General-purpose output ports/DAC input pin. The IOS instruction with Pn=9 switches the pin function between general-purpose output ports and ADC inputs. Since these pins are open drain circuit, pull-up resistors are required in exrernal circuit accepting these outputs. � For use as general-purpose output port The IOS instruction with Pn=9F specifies general-purrpose


18 17 16 15

Pull-down I resistor input


Unbalance CMOS Push-pull








1 80 78 77 76 31,73



68 67 66 65




CMOS tristate







64 63 62 61 O Nch open drain

input port use in bit units. � For use as DAC The IOS instruction Pn=9 is used to switch the port in bit units. DAC data is loaded into tne DAC (0 to 3) specified with the DAC instruction, Although PWM waveform is output as soon as the port is switched, the data prior to that load is output for up to 114µs (1/8.791kHz) after data is loaded. The general-purpose output port function is selected after a power -on reset, and the output go to the transistor off (H output) state. General-purpose I/O / external interrupt ports There is no instruction that switches the function between generalpurpose ports and external interrupt ports. These pins function for input only when the external interrupt enable flag is set. (Output disables) � For use as general-purpose I/O port These pins can be set for input or output in bit units (bit I/O). The IOS instruction is used to specify input or output in bit units. � For use as external interrupt pin This function can be used by setting the external interrupt enable flags (INT0EN and INT1EN) in status register 2. The corresponding pin is automatically set to the input port. To enable interrupt operation, the interrupt enable flag (INTEN) in status register 1 must also be set. The IOS instruction with Pn=3, b1=INT1, and b0=INT0 is used to select rising or falling edge detection. In clock stop mode, input is disabled and these pins go to the highimpedance state. During the power-on reset, these pins go to the general-purpose input port function. Pin for external application of 2/3 voltage of LCD drive bias. Pin for external application of 1/3 voltage of LCD drive bias. LSI test pin. These pins must be either left open or connected to ground.





22 21 20 19


CMOS push-pull





57 58 79 2 58 57 56 O CMOS three value output CMOS three value output




S1 | S16

55 | 40 O

LCD driver common output pin. Driver format 1/3 duty, 1/3 bias. This pin is fixed at the low level in CLOCK STOP mode. This pin is fixed at the low level after a power-on reset. LCD driver common output pin. Driver format 1/3 duty, 1/3 bias. The frame frequency 100MHz. This pin is fixed at the low level in CLOCK STOP mode. This pin is fixed at the low level after a power-on reset.

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