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I was very glad recieving the service manal from You. Additionaly very fast. Extremaly nice servicing. Thanks very mach! Now my GX-220 working better, than it was made. Alexander from Moscow, Russia/
Sweet! I won the item on eBay and couldn't adjust the geometry or even keep a steady picure. This guide has the full schematics (not available anywhere else as far as I could tell), and was a bargain for the wealth of knowledge it contains. I hooked it up to my testing equipment, tweaked a few potentiometers and got it playing videogames in no time. Thanks!
It was just what I need to fix my old BMW's CD player. Very convenient also. Thank you.
Great Manual! It contains all the wiring schematics and mechanical exploded views that are essential for service and repair. I was surprised I even found this for such an old machine. Only wish I knew of this site many years ago.
Great manual very clear copied. You are making an incredible job. I appreciate a lot the rapidity and your efficiency. Thanks a lot
� Note : Unlike previous CD mechanism modules the grating angle of the PU unit cannot be adjusted after the PU unit is changed. The PU unit in the CD mechanism module is adjusted on the production line to match the CD mechanism module and is thus the best adjusted PU unit for the CD mechanism module. Changing the PU unit is thus best considered as a last resort. However, if the PU unit must be changed, the grating should be checked using the procedure below. � Purpose : To check that the grating is within an acceptable range. � Symptoms of Mal-adjustment : If the grating is off by a large amount symptoms such as being unable to close tracking, being unable to perform track search operations, or track searching taking a long time, may appear. � Method : � Measuring Equipment � Measuring Points � Disc � Mode
� Oscilloscope, Two L.P.F. � E, F, REFOUT � ABEX TCD-784 � TEST MODE
L.P.F. Xch E REFOUT 100kW 390pF Ych
100kW 390pF L.P.F.
� Checking Procedure 1. In test mode, load the disc and switch the 5V regulator on. 2. Using the � and � buttons, move the PU unit to the innermost track. 3. Press key 3 to close focus, the display should read "91". Press key 2 to implement the tracking balance adjustment the display should now read "81". Press key 3 4 times. The display will change, returning to "81" on the fourth press. 4. As shown in the diagram above, monitor the LPF outputs using the oscilloscope and check that the phase difference is within 75° . Refer to the photographs supplied to determine the phase angle. 5. If the phase difference is determined to be greater than 75° try changing the PU unit to see if there is any improvement. If, after trying this a number of times, the grating angle does not become less than 75° then the mechanism should be judged to be at fault. � Note Because of eccentricity in the disc and a slight misalignment of the clamping center the grating waveform may be seen to "wobble" ( the phase difference changes as the disc rotates). The angle specified above indicates the average angle. � Hint Reloading the disc changes the clamp position and may decrease the "wobble".
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