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Fully functional usable service manual. Considering the age of the manual and device quality was better than expected
Thank you very much, I've been very happy to find this manual on "Owner Manual". It's a perfect copy and it has been really useful for my work!
It took about 24-hours after my payment before I was able to get to the download. Apparently, payment processing is not 100% automated. That is no big deal, just be aware of that going in.
After I got to it, it was in good shape, easy to read, etc. Not some cheap FAX copy looking thing.
Also, this site was the cheapest I found. Another Plus!
Good price, very legible manual, exactly what I needed -- but had to wait a day to actually get the download of the manual. Would have preferred to download it immediately after payment rather than waiting for someone to "process" my order. I was surprised that I had to wait that long.
As the only source for this manual it rather rank quite high since it is well scanned and perfectly readable.
Make sure that the flat cable and flexible board are not cracked of bent at the terminal. Do not insert the cable insufficiently nor crookedly. When remove a connector, don�t pull at wire of connector. It is possible that a wire is snapped.
When installing a connector, don�t press down at wire of connector. It is possible that a wire is snapped.
Cut and remove the part of gilt which comes off at the point. (Be careful or some pieces of gilt may be left inside)
The charging capacitor (C550) of the ST-105 flexible board is charged up to the maximum 300 V potential. There is a danger of electric shock by this high voltage when the capacitor is handled by hand. The electric shock is caused by the charged voltage which is kept without discharging when the main power of the unit is simply turned off. Therefore, the remaining voltage must be discharged as described below. Preparing the Short Jig To preparing the short jig, a small clip is attached to each end of a resistor of 1 k� /1 W (1-215-869-11). Wrap insulating tape fully around the leads of the resistor to prevent electrical shock.
1 k�/1 W
Discharging the Capacitor Short-circuit between the positive and the negative terminals of charged capacitor with the short jig about 10 seconds.
R:1 k�/1 W (Part code: 1-215-869-11) Capacitor
-105 ST
Wrap insulating tape.
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