I did not have the manual for a Whirl Pool gas dryer, therefore I purchased it from Owner-manuals. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you for the service.
Finding the owners manual for my Pioneer CRWM62R is greatly appreciated. I had searched several other web sites with no success. Although my manual was not listed on your site for immediate download, I recevied an email within a few hours that my ower's manual was posted for me. I had no difficulty downloading the manual for my 20 year old multi-cassette player. Owner Manuals provides a service that is valuable, easy-to-use, accurate , efficient, and priced fairly. I thank you.
Text excerpt from page 36 (click to view)
Para ver detalles sobre la operación t página 28
PFX (Efe imagen)
Le permite tomar una imagen con efectos especiales.
BYN( Sepia ( Desactiv ) )
Graba la imagen en monocromo (blanco y negro). Graba la imagen en sepia (como una fotografÃa antigua). Sin efecto.
� Este ajuste no se mantiene cuando se desconecta la alimentación.
Ajusta la saturación de la imagen.
+( )
Hacia +: Abrillanta el color.
Normal �( )
Hacia �: Oscurece el color.
Ajusta el contraste de la imagen.
+( )
Hacia +: Realza el contraste.
Normal �( )
Hacia �: Reduce el contraste.
Ajusta la nitidez de la imagen.
+( )
Hacia +: Aumenta la nitidez de la imagen.