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This manual was the factory original. Excellent value and contained all the details I needed. Easy dowwnload provided the information when I needed it.
Impeccable, document très complet. Perfect, i get all i need. All schematic are correct. Thanks
The manual is of better quality compared to other. I found it less expensive and therefore it it is the best buy cost vs quality.
I bought the service-manual of the sony ICB-1020(an old transmitter-receiver) at "www.Owners-Manual.com", I found the service-manual for a fairly cheap price(in comparison with other sellers). I filled in some questions, payed the order with Ideal, and within 24 hours I had my service manual. I was very happy:In no time I had my service-manual and everything, but literally everything was noted down in the manual; the electronic scheme, the parts list, etcetera.
A very practical, reference-document.
This comprehesive service maual was greatly appreciated, as was the digital download.
4. WHITE BALANCE 1) Set the TV to NOR I mode. 2) Set the R,G,B LEVEL to CENTER with R,G,B UP/DOWN KEY . 3) Adjust the R,G,B UP/DOWN KEY of the other color which did not appear on the screen to obtain WHITE. 5. FOCUS 1) Apply a RETMA PATTERN signal. 2) Adjust the FOCUS VOLUME on FBT to obtain optimal resolution. 6. GEOMETRY 6.1 VERTICAL CENTER 1) Set the TV to NOR I mode. 2) Pressing the V-CENTER UP/DOWN KEY, the lower half of the screen is blanked. 3) Adjust the border line of blanked picture coincident with the mechanical center marks of the CRT using the V-CENTER UP/DOWN KEY.
6.2 VERTICAL SIZE �RThe VERTICAL CENTER adjustment has to be done in advance. 1) Apply a RETMA PATTERN signal. 2) Set the TV to NOR I mode. 3) Adjust the upper part of the picture with the V-SIZE UP/DOWN keys.
6.3 VERTICAL SLOPE �RThe VERTICAL SIZE adjustment has to be done in advance. 1) Apply a RETMA PATTERN signal. 2) Adjust the lower part of the picture with the V-SLOPE UP/DOWN keys.
6.4 VERTICAL S-CORRECTION 1) Apply a CROSSHATCH PATTERN signal. 2) Adjust the S-COR UP/DOWN KEY to obtain the same distance between horizontal lines.
6.5 HORIZONTAL CENTER 1) Apply a RETMA PATTERN signal. 2) Adjust picture centering with CENTER LEFT/RIGHT keys.
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