I am so happy found this site as it consists of so many Manuls and easy to aquire. This onei s exactly what I wanted and much more as it has info on not only how to use the tuner but how to repair it as well. I will come here 1st before purchasing else where! Thanks owner-manual.com!
is part of the manual is very useful for repairing
Here are circuit diagrams
if there is damage, I recommend using this part of the
a complete list of circuit boards and components
Text excerpt from page 71 (click to view)
igure 23 Using the spectru analyser easure the i age leak ratio I age leak ratio is the easure ratio o peak po er an the po er at 135k belo peak re uency E a ple peak po er 902 468 h 33 po er at 135k belo peak po er -9 i age leak ratio 33 - -9 42
Figure 23: I age leak ratio 3. I i age leak ratio is greater than 30 c then unit is K o set calibration is co plete 4. I i age leak ratio is less than 30 c then go to Ich gain calibration
IQch Gain Calibration
1. Set I ch gain to 0 a b c n the C press 6 ress E TER ress E TER igure 21 ress ove le t arro until I C GAI iel is highlighte igure 22 Enter 2 into the ata iel
2. Measure the i age leak ratio 3. I i age leak ratio is greater than 30 c then unit is K o set calibration is co plete 4. I i age leak ratio is less than 30 c then repeat steps 1 2 an 3 above ith I ch gain values 1 2 3 4 5 6 an 7 5. I i age leak ratio is still less than 30 c then go to ch gain calibration