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First of all I must say that I received the manual in just a few minutes after placing the order. The copy is well done and very readable. I will buy others soon... Thanks, Meyer
Good service manual. I gat all I want. Copy is good, but could be better. All clear and useful. I sincerely recommend.
The schematic is very helpful and the images are very good.The schematic is very helpful and the images are very good.The schematic is very helpful and the images are very good.The schematic is very helpful and the images are very good.The schematic is very helpful and the images are very good.The schematic is very helpful and the images are very good.
Welcome. The scheme is clearly helped me to repair. Worth to download it.
Excellent manual, very clear, technical specification provided, useful information regarding adjustment and set up.
igure 23 Using the spectru analyser easure the i age leak ratio I age leak ratio is the easure ratio o peak po er an the po er at 135k belo peak re uency E a ple peak po er 902 468 h 33 po er at 135k belo peak po er -9 i age leak ratio 33 - -9 42
Figure 23: I age leak ratio 3. I i age leak ratio is greater than 30 c then unit is K o set calibration is co plete 4. I i age leak ratio is less than 30 c then go to Ich gain calibration
IQch Gain Calibration
1. Set I ch gain to 0 a b c n the C press 6 ress E TER ress E TER igure 21 ress ove le t arro until I C GAI iel is highlighte igure 22 Enter 2 into the ata iel
2. Measure the i age leak ratio 3. I i age leak ratio is greater than 30 c then unit is K o set calibration is co plete 4. I i age leak ratio is less than 30 c then repeat steps 1 2 an 3 above ith I ch gain values 1 2 3 4 5 6 an 7 5. I i age leak ratio is still less than 30 c then go to ch gain calibration
MCUK970901C8 Service Manual
Section 7 7 - 17
Issue 1 Revision 0
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