Very satisfied! I was searching for several days, but nope; till I discovered your webside and there it was at a very reasonable price. Keep up the good work!
I purchased the unit from a private party and the original owners manual was not available. Having the ability to download it was extremely helpful and clarified operating the equipment immensely. This is a complicated unit and without the manual I would not have been able to maximize it's potential. Thank you.
Being a user of older radios of many kinds, preferring them over more modern rigs, this manual was invaluable in the programming of my two. I now know for certain what the assorted buttons functions are, and am very grateful to have found this excellent site. Many thanks for your assistance, Tony.
Clear and easy to read. All details as expected. Price acceptable , and quick delivery.
Text excerpt from page 12 (click to view)
Pagina 12
4. Togliere il filtro di ricambio dell�aria dal suo supporto (L�installazione e la rimozione del filtro di rivambio dell�aria è diversa da modello a modello, vedi le figure e sulla destra). � Pulire il filtro di ricambio dell�aria almeno una volta al mese, e sostituirlo almeno ogni 4-5 mesi. � Pulire il filtro con un aspirapolvere, quindi metterlo ad asciugare in un luogo asciutto.
Filtro per il ricambio dell�aria
5. Rimettere il filtro per il ricambio dell�aria nella sua posizione originaria. 6. Reinserire la parte superiore del filtro nell�unità interna, facendo attenzione che i bordi sinistro e destro siano correttamente allineati e rimettere il filtro in posizione.