This was a hard to find manual. When I did find it , some sites wanted way too much for the file.
Owner-manual .com had it for a really reasonable price. Not only that but it was sent very quickly and was a quality scanned document, unlike some others I purchased from a different site.
Good job guys!!
Last week I bought a second hand Panasonic AG-7500 SVHS Hi-Fi Video Cassette Recorder. It is a professional machine with many video and audio options. I feared it would be a huge quest to find a manual. I was delighted when I found After payment I received the file to download the next day already. The quality is great. I am very happy. Thanks!
The owner's manual/operating instructions that I purchased was the original factory document and it was in at least three and maybe more languages. I no longer have it because I sold the tape recorder and included the owner's manual/operating instructions and a service/repair manual that I bought on ebay for the new owner.
This manual is very useful. Because pioneer sx-q180 is unhandy to use without manual.
Text excerpt from page 15 (click to view)
Takuuehdot kuuehdot
Tuotteella on kahden (2) vuoden takuu. Takuuehdot noudattavat alan yleisiä ehtoja ja niitä on saatavissa myyjäliikkeestä tai maahantuojalta. Ostokuitti säilytetään, koska takuun alkaminen määritetään ostopäivän mukaan. Korvaus huollosta voidaan periä myös takuuaikana: � aiheettomasta valituksesta � ellei käyttöohjetta ole noudatettu
Laitteella on käyttömaan lainsäädännön mukainen takuu.
Tarkista pakkauksen purkamisen yhteydessä, ettei laite ole vaurioitunut kuljetuksessa. Mahdollisista kuljetusvaurioista on heti ilmoitettava myyjäliikkeelle.