Please tell us what you think and share your opinions with others. Be sure to focus your comments on the product. You will receive $2.00 of store credit for Your review.
Please tell us what you think and share your opinions with others. Be sure to focus your comments on the product. You will receive $2.00 of store credit for Your review.
Having bought a pre-owned Sony FM stereo tuner through eBay, it came without any manuals. It soon became clear that to get the best from this excellent tuner I needed a decent manual because much of the operation was not intuitive to a newboy to hi fi like me. I managed to download the official Sony multi-lingual manual from with no problem at all - a really quick and easy service. I'm very glad I did because I found out all the operations of the tuner and was then able to not only set it up quickly but also to get much more from it that poke-and-hope trialling would ever achieve. In my book $4.99 very well spent.
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9:45 AM
Page 8
Ru�no podešavanje omekšiva�a vode (vidi tablicu)
Omekšiva� vode tvorni�ki je postavljen na položaj 2.
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Elektronsko podešavanje omekšiva�a vode (vidi tablicu)
Omekšiva� vode tvorni�ki je postavljen na položaj 5.
Perilicu je potrebno isklju�iti
Pritisnite i držite pritisnutom tipku START/PONIŠTAVANJE i okrenite IZBORNIK PROGRAMA u smjeru kazaljke na satu do prvog programa. Držite tipku pritisnutom dok svjetla IZBORNIK PROGRAMA i START/PONIŠTAVANJE ne po�inju treptati.
Otpustite tipku. Treptat �e indikator KRAJ PROGRAMA. Broj treptanja odgovara postavci trenutne razine.
Primjer: svjetlo KRAJ PROGRAMA može treptati 5 puta. Treptanje se ponavlja svake 5 seknude.
Za izmjenu razine, pritisnite tipku START/PONIŠTAVA NJE. Svaki put kada se tipka pritisne, razina se pove�ava za 1. (Razina 1 prati razinu 10).
Svjetlosni indikator KRAJ PROGRAMA pokazuje novu postavku.
Za memoriranje radnje, okrenite IZBORNIK PROGRAMA do položaja OFF.