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AEG FAV4050-D10
Owner's Manual

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  • PDF Format
  • Complete manual
  • Language: German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Croatian
Price: $4.99

Description of AEG FAV4050-D10 Owner's Manual

Complete owner's manual in digital format. The manual will be available for download as PDF file after You purchase it.

Owner's Manual ( sometimes referred to as User's Guide or User's Manual ) contains information on how to use Your device. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address.

The manual is available in languages: German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Croatian

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Other Reviews
 CS-1021 KENWOOD Owner's Manual by Salvatore Zaffetta;
Thank you for your manual It has the basic things to and i use the Oszi for Longer Time. THX
 TX4030 TEAC Owner's Manual by Federico Muguruza;
Actually, I was looking for this information for 3 years! thanks to you, the manual is on my hands and of great help, cause I understand now where I was doing wrong connections and wires...excellent, I'll be back to you if in need, thank you.
 SX-PR100 TECHNICS Owner's Manual by Bob Anderson;
This manual covers the main equipment features only. While it also includes the procedure for saving and loading from the now long obsolete memory cards it does not mention the how to operate with the optional floppy drive interface so I am still at a loss about how to use this! Note that there is a separate manual covering the MIDI interface and programming via the keyboard, not included in this download. You will also need to get hold of this if you want to use the MIDI interface properly. Basically there is little difference between this manual and the free to download manual for the similar PR60 model.
 VSX455 PIONEER Owner's Manual by Gilberto Araujo;
Good list of manuals. I found a very rare one and easily get. Should be promptly to download, as we must to wait hours even after confirmed payment.
 PM488AV MARANTZ Owner's Manual by Roger Jove;
The manual was properly scanned and perfectly readable. The only small problem is that I couldn't use my dear Ctrl + F to find a word I needed.

Text excerpt from page 14 (click to view)
Uporaba perilice za posude
Odredivanje kolicine tekucine za ispiranje
Kontrola kolicine nalazi se na cepu spremnika i može se podesiti od 1 - 6, što znaci 1 - 6 cm dodatka tekucine za ispiranje. Kolicina je tvornicki podešena na "4". Ovo podešenje kod punog spremnika tekucine za ispiranje omogucava približno 40 programa pranja. Ako pri pranju posuda ne dobijete željeni rezultat, podesite tekucinu za ispiranje (pogledajte opis "Što uciniti ako �). r Zakrenite cep spremnika za cetvrtinu kruga u smjeru suprutno od kazaljke na satu i izvucite ga (slika 7). r Pomocu odvijaca zakrenite regulator u željeni položaj.

Slika 9 r Vratite cep spremnika i zakrenite ga u smjeru kazaljke na satu. r Obrišite krpom ostatke tekucine za ispiranje.

Punjenje praškom za pranje
Važno! Nemojte koristiti nikakva sredstva za rucno pranje u perilici za pranje posuda. Ova vrsta sredstva za pranje uzrokuje stvaranje pjene, nedovoljno pere posude i, osim toga, može oštetiti perilicu. Korisitite iskljucivo sredstva za pranje namijenjena za uporabu u perilicama za kuhinjsko posude. Sredstva za pranje uvijek pohranite na suhim mjestima i u zatvorenim kutijama. Zgrušano sredstvo za pranje gubi svoju moc cišcenja. Spremnik sredstva za pranje mora se napuniti prije svakog programa pranja, uz izuzetak programa predpranja za kojeg nije potrebno nikakvo sredstvo za pranje. Sredstvo za pranje se uzima automatski za vrijeme trajanja programa. Preporuke za kolicinu sredstva za pranje uz potpuno napunjene košare: Normalno zaprljano posude Prašak za pranje Tekucina za pranje Tablete približno 20 ml približno 30 ml 1 Jako zaprljano posude s talogom i masnocom približno 30 ml približno 40 ml 1

Kad perete manje kolicine posuda, trebate staviti i manje sredstva za pranje. Ucinkovitost razlicitih sredstava za pranje je promjenljiva. Obratite pozornost na preporuke o kolicini koju navodi proizvodac.


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