Awesome quality manual. You really saved my bacon with this one. Was looking for some specific information with regards to my "new" vintage VCR that didn't come with the owners manual. This site is truely a goldmine of available manuals. The quality of the scans are top notch.
Thank-you so much for this awesome manual. If you're looking for this Sony SL-HF400 owners manual, this is the one you NEED to buy. Definitely worth the money.
The manual was made available promptly. I is a clean scan of the original. I had no problem downloading it. The scan was well centered and cleanly formatted. It is as good a product as can be had without being the original document.
Received downlink in less then 8 hours, Item was in good copy condition, and told me how to program the clock timer. The price was very resonable, and the process was very automated and was GREAT to work with.
I was very pleased with the manual I got for my amateur (ham) radio. Without it I could not figure out how to input and/or change the P/L setting on my radio. It drove me nuts as the radio was essentially useless. That all changed when my manual came. Then it took only minutes and I was done. Now my radio works fine. This is an exceptionally good resource as it's a very easy and user friendly download. Thank you very much! Dziękujemy za!
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Reklamation Vid försäljning till konsument i Sverige gäller den svenska konsumentlagstiftningen. Kom ihåg att spara kvittot för eventuell reklamation.
Garanti (gäller för Finland) Produktens garantitid kan definieras separat. Finns det ingen separat definierad garantitid, har produkten garanti enligt den gällande lagstiftningen och de lokala bestämmelserna. Garantivillkoren uppfyller branschens allmänna villkor enligt den gällande lagstiftningen. Spara inköpskvittot som verifikation för inköpsdatumet, som avgör garantitidens början. Kostnaderna kan debiteras även under tid som omfattas av kostnadsfri service � vid onödigt servicebesök. � om tillverkarens anvisningar för installation, användning och skötsel inte följts. EU-Länder För apparaten tillämpas garantin enligt de bestämmelser som gäller i respektive land. Transportskador Vid uppackning, kontrollera, att maskinen inte är skadad. Eventuella transportskador skall omedelbart anmälas till den som ansvarat för transporten.