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This is a great site. I placed my order and by the next am it was available for download. Had some problems with some missing copy on some pages. Once I brought the error to the OMC's attention, the issue was resolved. I'll come back again.
Mi spiace per non poter scrivere in inglese... ma sono veramente soddisfatto del servizio offerto. Grazie..!!
The quality of this manual is good. It has all schematics and setup information for both the MDS-B3 and the MDS-B4. The scan quality is quite good, all pages are readable, This service manual also contains scans of the operating instructions from the User manual.
Quick site processing. A complete and very useful manual with all details. Thank you!
Das Service Manual war von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite sehr informativ und hilfreich. Die Darstellung aller Teile war klar und der Text gut lesbar.
Vielen Dank, das war nicht der letzte Download bei ownner-manuals.com.
- Removing the Case(Not shown)
1. Insert and turn a flat screwdriver to remove the case. Keyboard Unit
- Removing the Grille Assy and Keyboard Unit
1. Press the four tabs and Disconnect the connector indicated by arrow and then removing the Grille Assy. 2. Removing the Knob Unit. 3. Removing the five screws and then removeving the Keyboard Unit. CAUTION: Remove the Knob Unit before removing the screws that secure the Keyboard Unit. Do not hold CN901 by hand when removing the Keyboard Unit from the grille. Be careful not to bend the connector teeth when installing the grille to the product. Be sure to insert the insulator into the Grille Assy.
Knob Unit
Grille Assy
- Removing the Heat Sink
1. Removing the five screws and then removing the Heat Sink. Heat Sink
- Removing the CD Mechanism Module and Chassis Unit
1. Removing the four screws A.
CD Mechanism Module
2. Disconnect the connector and then removing the CD Mechanism Module. B 3. Removing the six screws B and then removing the Chasis Unit. CAUTION: Plug the Fuji Card into the card connector of the CD mechanism or main unit at an angle of 60 degrees.
Chassis Unit
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