Thank you for providing this manual and at low cost.
The Philips scope is of excellent quality, longevity and build and had a couple of faults
when it was passed to me. Having the CCT diagrams is a blessing.
I have fixed the problems and also modded the scope to my requirements.
I have built a 24v Li-Ion pack for portable use from old but good laptop batts.
it is working beautifully and I am well pleased. Keep up the good work Guys.
Awesome quality manual. You really saved my bacon with this one. Was looking for some specific information with regards to my "new" vintage VCR that didn't come with the owners manual. This site is truely a goldmine of available manuals. The quality of the scans are top notch.
Thank-you so much for this awesome manual. If you're looking for this Sony SL-HF400 owners manual, this is the one you NEED to buy. Definitely worth the money.
The manual was made available promptly. I is a clean scan of the original. I had no problem downloading it. The scan was well centered and cleanly formatted. It is as good a product as can be had without being the original document.
Received downlink in less then 8 hours, Item was in good copy condition, and told me how to program the clock timer. The price was very resonable, and the process was very automated and was GREAT to work with.
Text excerpt from page 11 (click to view)
7. Pesuohjelman päätyttyä
Kone lakkaa toimimasta automaattisesti. Huom! Mikäli olet valinnut �Huuhtelunkeskeytys� toiminnon - viimeinen huuhteluvesi jää koneeseen. Paina huuhtelunkeskeytys-valitsinta uudelleen, jolloin kone linkoaa pyykin tai valitse tyhjennysohjelma N. Odota pari minuuttia ennen luukun avaamista, jotta sähköinen lukkomekanismi vapauttaa luukun. Paina jälleen verkkokytkintä, merkkivalo sammuu. Ota pyykki pois koneesta. Varmista, että pesukoneen rumpu on tyhjä. Rumpuun mahdollisesti unohtuneet vaatteet voivat vahingoittua seuraavassa pesussa (esim. jos pesulämpötila on liian korkea) tai päästää väriä muuhun pyykkiin. Mikäli et aio pestä enempää pyykkiä, sulje pesukoneen vesihana ja irrota pistoke pistorasiasta.
Jätä koneen luukku hieman auki, kun et käytä konetta. Tämä säästää luukun tiivistettä ja ehkäisee tunkkaisen hajun muodostumista.