Turns out this was not the manual i was looking for. The concertmate 670 keyboard i have is a "Realistic" model made for Radio Shack and none of the diagrams on the owners manual i received matches up. HOWEVER, I must say the service Owners Manual provides was fast and efficient by being available online. The manual was in good readable condition and easily downloaded.
Thank you for your manual It has the basic things to and i use the Oszi for Longer Time.
Text excerpt from page 10 (click to view)
Caratteristiche tecniche
Potenza elementi riscaldanti
Elemento riscaldante superiore Elemento riscaldante inferiore Elementi riscaldanti superiori-inferiori Elemento riscaldante Grill Lampada forno Ventilatore raffreddamento Ventilatore forno Potenza totale massima Tensione di alimentazione (50Hz) 800 W 1000 W 1800 W 1750 W 15 W 20 W 1800 W 230 V 30 W
Dimensioni minime del vano di incasso
altezza larghezza profondità sottotavolo: 59,1 cm a colonna: 58,0 cm 56,0 cm 55,0 cm
Dimensioni utili della cavità del forno
altezza larghezza profondità volume utile 32,5 cm 44,0 cm 39,0 cm 55 l.