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Text excerpt from page 59 (click to view)
Shooting Mode
M: MANUAL In this mode, you choose both shutter speed and aperture. If desired, exposure can be altered from the value suggested by the camera.
4 Press the selector left or right to
choose the aperture.
5 Take pictures.
The Exposure Indicator The amount the picture will be under- or over-exposed at current settings is shown by the exposure indicator. Pictures taken with the indicator to the left of center (���) will be underexposed, pictures taken with the indicator is to the right of center (�+�), overexposed.
M N9 ISO 100
1 Rotate the mode dial to M. 2 Press the d button. Shutter speed
and aperture will be displayed.
M N9 ISO 100
More on Photography
Shutter speed
SET 250 F3.5
SET F3.5
3 Press the selector up or down to
choose the shutter speed.
3 Caution Smear may occur at shutter speeds faster than 1 /1000 s. Noise in the form of randomly-spaced bright pixels may occur in long exposures.