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Quick Start

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  • Language: English
Price: $4.99

Description of HERMAN GIGRAC300 Quick Start

Quick start guide ( sometimes called quick guide ) contains most important information on how to use this product. The manual is in PDF format. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address.

The manual is available in languages: English

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 ADP 6616 WH WHIRLPOOL Quick Start by thomas ohrner;
Very easy to get, fast delivery. Was very helpful to solve my problem.

Text excerpt from page 16 (click to view)
(2) PAD switch (Channels 1-4 only) PAD
Pressing the PAD switch reduces the input level by 20dB allowing line or mic level signals that would normally be too loud for the Input stage to handle to be connected without any audible distortion.

(3) Main Volume Control Volume Control
The Main Volume Control determines the amount of level sent from the channel to the main output mix. This allows each channel�s relative volume level to be �blended� together to create the final mix whose overall level is then controlled by the Main Master Volume control (8) .

(4) Mon Volume Control Volume Control
The Monitor (Mon) Volume Control determines the amount of level sent from the channel to the Monitor (Mon) Output (20) and also the Phones Output(18) This allows each channel�s relative volume level to be �blended� together to create a separate monitor mix whose overall level is then controlled by the Mon Master Volume control (9). This feature is used mainly for creating a �foldback� mix for the musicians and would normally be sent to a monitor speaker with its own amplifier. (This could also be used for creating a headphone mix) The Mon Volume Control operates independent of the Main Volume Control and will therefore not be affected if the Main Volume Control is turned up or down. (For the more technically minded, the signal is sourced PreFader and Post EQ)

(5) FX Control
The FX Control determines the amount of level sent from the channel to the GigFX digital effects processor and also to the �FX Bus output� connector (21) This allows each channel�s relative level to be �blended� together to create a separate effects mix whose overall level is then controlled by the �FX to Main� (24) and �FX to Mon� (25). The FX Bus Output connector could also be used to connect to other external devices such as effects processors or recorders.


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