Entering text with method To write a word, press the keys containing the letters of the required word just once and consecutively, irrespective of their sequence on the key, as on a typewriter. The phone will automatically form the word by offering a list of alternative words taken from a database (dictionary) of words. This is easier if you do not look at the display until you have finished keying in all the letters of the word.
For instance, to write BUS with T9 � press keys and consecutively. Then press to create a space in order to continue with the message. If the word composed automatically is not the required one, it is possible to choose a different word from the database with After finding it, press to move on with the message. Whereas, if the word is not in the list, delete it with and briefly press to change the method of entering text into then key in the new word with the conventional method and afterwards confirm with Pressing twice more takes you back to the method. The new word formed will automatically be added to the phone's database with (in the future it will no longer be necessary to key it in from scratch).
NUMBERS: briefly press and select key twice more to go back to mode.
, then key in the number. Press this
PUNCTUATION: To add punctuation press T9 is able to guess the punctuation needed according to the set language. If the punctuation is not as required, press to enter other symbols.