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A good manual! fast service and good qualityi for pdf document.
Very helpful and complete manual. Maybe only one negative is schematics have sometimes unreadable name of the parts. But it's not a big problem.
Excellent high quality schematics brought my old Heidelberg back to life. Fast download at a reasonable price. Thanks.
This document is just what I was looking for, it´s very useful, it contains adjustment procedures for the final stage of the power amp and also
has a complete wiring diagram and description of the main semiconductors used in the design.
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for the fast support, the manual does provide all necessary information to repair the radio. All schematics are in a good quality for reading.
The manual fits 100% to my requirements as a technican.
Kind regards Thomas
Gain Control RCA Input Select Switch Power Indicator
Adjusting gain controls A and B will For two-channel input, slide this switch The power indicator lights when the help match output of car stereo to the left. For four-channel input, slide power is switched on. Pioneer amplifier. Normally, set this switch to the right. switch to the �NORMAL� position. If output is low even when the volBFC (Beat Frequency Control) ume of the car stereo is turned up, turn these controls clockwise. If there is disSwitch tortion when volume of the car
(ES and EW models) stereo is turned up, turn these controls
If you hear a beat while listening to an � If you only use one input plug, set the gain AM broadcast with your car stereo, controls for speaker outputs A and B to the screwdriver. � Set the gain control to �NORMAL� when
same position. change the BFC switch using a small
this amplifier is connected to a Pioneer car stereo with RCA output jacks. If the sound is too low or distorts, adjust the gain con-
Speaker Out B: HPF (High-Pass Filter) Select Switch trol.
Set HPF select switch as follows according to the car stereo system and type of that is connected to the speaker output: HPF Select Audio frequency range Speaker Remarks Switch to be output Type
OFF (left) Full range HPF (right) Low-frequency range Tweeter If you want to cut the veryhigh-frequency low-frequency range because it is not necessary for the speaker you use.
Speaker Out A: LPF (Low-Pass Filter)/HPF (High-Pass Filter) Select Switch
Set LPF/HPF select switch as follows according to type of the that is connected to speaker output connector and the car stereo system:
Speaker Out A: Bass Boost (GM-X424)
from 40 to 120 Hz with the bass boost HPF (right) Low-frequency range Tweeter If you want to cut the veryLevel Control control. high-frequency low-frequency range level control can boost the � Level Control, Bass Boost because it is not necessary level around the frequency selected by Frequency Control can be adjusted only for the speaker you use.
when the LPF/HPF select switch is set to a the bass boost frequency control 0 to position other than HPF. 12 dB.
LPF/HPF Select Audio frequency range Speaker Remarks Frequency Control Switch to be output Type
LPF (left) Very-low-frequency range Sub-woofer Connect a sub-woofer.
OFF (center) Full range Speaker Out A: Bass Boost You can select a bass boost frequency
GM-X424, GM-X324
Fig. 8
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