Thr Video Recorder i have is quiet Old and the Producer could Not help me. So i w as very glad to find an offer for the owners Manual for a very fair Price.a I obtained the original Manual very quick and I am happy to have it now.
Regulation for each drawer is separate and is controlled using the slide valve at the front of the drawer. � �Dry�: low air humidity - up to 50 % relative humidity. This humidity level is reached when both sliders are set into this position and the ventilation openings are wide open. � �Humid�: high relative humidity - up to 90 %. This humidity level is reached when both sliders are set in this position and the ventilation openings are closed. Humidity is kept and can not escape.
� Pay attention to the freshness of the food, especially on the expir y date. Quality and freshness influence the storage time. �� Foods, and especially salad, must be kept well covered or packaged in such a way that they do not dry out and that their flavours and fragrances remain unchanged. Animal food always store packed and dry. � Food rich in proteins will go bad quicker. This means seafood will spoil before fish which in turn will spoil before meat. While storing food in a 0°C compartment storage time for that kind of food can be increased by up to three times as well without loss on quality. � All food stored in a 0°C compartment should be taken out of the drawers roughly 15-30 min before consumption, particularly fruit and vegetables to be consumed without any additional cooking process. Allowing fruit and vegetables to return to room temperature will improve the texture and flavour. � The level of air humidity in the drawers depends on the content of humidity in the stored food, vegetable and fruit and on the frequency of door opening. � The �Vital & frisch� 0°C compartment is also suitable for slow thawing of food. In this case the thawed food can be stored in the �Vital & frisch� 0°C compartment for up to two days. 1RW WR EH SODFHG LQ WKH ³9LWDO IULVFK´ �& FRPSDUWPHQW � FROG VHQVLWLYH IUXLW ZKLFK KDYH WR EH VWRUHG DW FHOODU RU URRP WHPSHUDWXUH OLNH SLQHDSSOH EDQDQDV JUDSHIUXLW PHORQV PDQJR SDSD\D RUDQJHV OHPRQV NLZL IUXLW