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About the Effects
Section Three - Effects
The J-Station can be thought of as several different �virtual� amps,Bass Amps, and Acoustic guitars, combined with a studio full of high quality effects.The order in which the effects are connected can make a big difference in how good the overall sound is.Whether the effects are placed before the amp, or in the amp�s effects loop will also make a difference. The J-Station has the Effects connected in the most logical, and best sounding order. However, you do have the choice of running certain effects either before or after the Amp Modeling.The following chart shows the order of the effects and Amp Modeling in the J-Station.
Effect Definitions
Each Effect within the J-Station is fully programmable to suit your personal tastes and application. Understanding how these Effects will alter the sound, and how each Parameter will alter the Effect will help you achieve the sound you are looking for.The following overview of the J-Station�s effects outlines what each Effect and Parameter does.
The Compressor in the J-Station can be used to increase sustain, and tighten up guitars.A Compressor sets boundaries for a signals strength.When a signal exceeds the set boundary, it is forced back into the set boundary. As the signal fades to a point where it no longer exceeds the boundary, the compressor expands the signal strength and increases sustain. Compression Parameters are as follows: On/Bypass - Turns the Compressor on and off.This Parameter may be accessed with the Compressor button, or by selecting Parameter number 0 in the Deep Level edit mode where a value of 00 will relate to bypass and 01 is on. Threshold - This parameter tells the Compressor when to start compressing. It is the signal strength required before the compression kicks in. Low Threshold settings (larger negative numbers) will activate the Compressor with weaker signals. Higher settings will require a stronger signal to activate compression.The Threshold Parameter is only accessible as Parameter number 1 in Deep Level editing and ranges in value from -50 dB (displayed as 50) to 0 dB (displayed as 00). Ratio - Controls the amount of compression applied to the signal once the Threshold has been exceeded.A Ratio of 2:1 means that when an incoming signal exceeds the threshold by 2 dB, the compressor will only allow the output signal to increase by 1 dB. Higher settings yield a tighter, sound and increase sustain. Lower settings allow better dynamics.The Ratio is accessible by pressing an holding the Compressor button in Top Level editing, or by selecting Parameter number 2 in Deep Level editing. Values range from 0 to 9 which relate to the following Ratios: 0 = 1.1:1 1 = 1.2:1 2 = 1.5:1 3 = 2:1 4 = 3:1 5 = 4:1 6 = 6:1 7 = 8:1 8 = 10:1 9 = infinity:1