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the manual was just what i wanted it had all the revelent information required to operate the hifi .Iwould use any manual i downloaded for any item which needs a manual
Die gewünschte Bedienungsanleitung wurde vereinbarungsgemäß in deutsch bereitgestellt. Sie ist gut lesbar. Kein Kauderwelsch.
Danke für den Service.
Excellent product and service. I bought a second-hand Casio CPS-60 keyboard which had no manual. Packed full of features which I had no idea how to operate . . .
Google search found this site (and others with the same manual for sale for $8.99!)
I bought the manual and within an hour the download was available. Quality of the scanned images is good - very clear - and the PDF has been created with the pages in the correct order.
I would definitely use this site again.
I found this rare manual, in french ! The brand of my washing machine is not famous but this site had the manual, that is perfect.
Using and Caring for Your Oven
Roasting tips
� Roast meats fat-side up in a shallow pan using a roasting rack. � Use a roasting pan that fits the size of the food to be roasted. Meat juices may overflow the sides of a pan that is too small. Too large of a pan will result in increased oven spatter. � Spatter can be reduced by lining the bottom of the roasting pan with lightly crushed aluminum foil. � Use an accurate meat thermometer to determine when meat has reached desired degree of doneness. Insert the thermometer into the center of the thickest portion of the meat or inner thigh or breast of poultry. For an accurate reading, the tip of the thermometer should not touch fat, bone, or gristle. � After reading the thermometer once, push it further into the meat 1�2 inch or more and read again. If the temperature drops, return the meat to the oven for more cooking. � Check pork and poultry with a thermometer in 2-3 places to ensure adequate doneness. � Poultry and roasts will be easier to carve if loosely covered with foil and allowed to stand 10-15 minutes after removal from the oven.
� A foil tent will slow down surface browning for long-term roasting, as when roasting a turkey. Place tent-shaped foil loosely over meat to allow for air circulation. Do not seal foil or meat will be steamed.
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