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Box, Burner Power Cord Bushing, Strain Relief Block, Terminal Wire, Spark Module To Terminal Block Mainfold Bracket, Support Support Valve, Daisy (2) (Bolt Thru) Valve, Power (2) (Bolt Thru) Switch, Gas Ignitor (4) Screw, Drive (6) (Manifold & Support Bracket Mounting) Bracket, Spark Module Screw, Drive (2) (Spark Module Bracket Mounting) Module, Spark Ignition Wire, Direct Spark (17") Wire, Direct Spark (47") Bracket, Burner Base Right Left Screw, Drive (6) (Burner Bracket Mounting) Cover, Spark Module Screw, Drive (2) (Spark Cover Mounting) Pan, Heat Shield Burner Box Screw, Drive (4) (Heat Shield Mounting) Venturi (Left Front) (Includes Illus. 25 & 26) Shutter, Venturi Screw, Drive (Shutter Mounting) Gasket, Venturi To Burner Screw, Drive (2) (Venturi To Burner) Ignitor, Direct Spark (4) Screw, Drive (2) (Ignitor To Burner) Venturi (Right Front) (Includes Illus. 25 & 26) Venturi (Right Rear) Venturi (Left Rear) Hinge, Cooktop (2) Screw, Drive (Hinge To Burner Box) Rod, Cook Support Tip, Rod Support Bracket, Support Rod Screw, Drive (2) (Support Rod Bracket Mounting) Regulator, Pressure Burner, Daisy (2) (Includes Illus. 27 & 28) Burner, Power (2) (Includes Illus. 27 & 28) Screw, Mounting (2)