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very helpful, the information in these manuels are very detailed
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Please tell us what you think and share your opinions with others. Be sure to focus your comments on the product. You will receive $2.00 of store credit for Your review.
Good copy and great customer service! There was some confusion with my order and it was resolved promptly!
Having bought a pre-owned Sony FM stereo tuner through eBay, it came without any manuals. It soon became clear that to get the best from this excellent tuner I needed a decent manual because much of the operation was not intuitive to a newboy to hi fi like me. I managed to download the official Sony multi-lingual manual from Owner-Manuals.com with no problem at all - a really quick and easy service. I'm very glad I did because I found out all the operations of the tuner and was then able to not only set it up quickly but also to get much more from it that poke-and-hope trialling would ever achieve. In my book $4.99 very well spent.
Care and Cleaning
Bowl, white flat beater and white spiral dough hook may be washed in an automatic dishwasher. Or, clean them thoroughly in hot sudsy water and rinse completely before drying. Wire whip, burnished spiral dough hook and burnished flat beater should be hand washed and dried immediately. Do not wash wire whip, burnished spiral dough hook and burnished flat beater in a dishwasher. Do not store beaters on shaft. NOTE: Always be sure to unplug Stand Mixer before cleaning. Wipe Stand Mixer with a soft, damp cloth. Do not use household/commercial cleaners. Do not immerse in water. Wipe off beater shaft frequently, removing any residue that may accumulate.
Beater to Bowl Clearance
Your Stand Mixer is adjusted at the factory so the flat beater just clears the bottom of the bowl. If, for any reason, the flat beater hits the bottom of the bowl or is too far away from the bowl, you can correct the clearance easily. 1. Unplug Stand Mixer. 2. Place bowl lift handle in down position. 3. Attach flat beater. 4. Adjust so flat beater just clears bottom surface of bowl when in lifted position by turning screw (A) clockwise to raise the bowl and counterclockwise to lower the bowl. Just a slight turn is all that is required: the screw will not rotate more than 1�4 turn (90 degrees) in either direction. (The full range of adjustment is 1�2 turn, or 180 degrees.) 5. Place bowl lift handle in up position to check clearance. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 if necessary. NOTE: When properly adjusted, the flat beater will not strike on the bottom or side of the bowl. If the flat beater or the wire whip is so close that it strikes the bottom of the bowl, coating may wear off the beater or wires on whip may wear.
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