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Thanks for this "hard to find" service manual.
I apreciate the good quality of scanning and the pages scanned in A3 format.
Helpd me mont a new carradio when prewius mont was a mess.
Very good service and quick service, very good quality of service manual!
Great tape deck manual!
I'm very positively surprised, because it is a very long manual, lot of pages, drawings, diagrams, description of how to make the alignment and adjustment procedures.
It is as good as the old "Naka" manuals from the 1970's - if somebody have seen them, they know what I mean by that.
I recommend to buy this very much !
I am a vintage hifi collector. No way to fix that device without the appropriate service manual...thanks to your site I got it and every thing is easier now. I got the manual right after ordering: fast cheap accurate ... thank you
All of the text within the service manual PDF is content searchable. This means that you can enter any text, word, phrase or reference number that appears in the manual, and the PDF software will search, �nd and move the cursor to the location where you requested text �rst appears. This feature can be particularly useful in locating components on a speci�c schematic or printed wire circuit board (PWB) diagrams. Follow these steps to effectively locate a component on a schematic diagram: 1) Locate the schematic you want to search by clicking on the corresponding bookmark on the left side of the screen. The view on the right of the screen will then jump to the desired schematic page. 2) Magnify the diagram to at least 400% before conducting a component search. This will enable you to easily view the reference number when it is highlighted on screen. To do this, click on the magnifying glass button on the tool bar at the top of the screen. Move the cursor over the diagram and RIGHT click you mouse. Select the 400% magni�cation option on the pop-up menu. Click on the button with the icon of the open hand to deactivate the magni�cation tool 3) Search the diagram (or the entire manual) by clicking on the binocular button tool at the top of the screen. The �Find� window will appear and allow you to type in your desired text. Type in a reference designator, such as R502, and click on the �Find� button. If the component is not on the diagram, but is listed anywhere else in the manual, the cursor will jump to the �rst location the text is found in the �le. To �nd another instance of that same text, click on the binocular button again and select �Find Again.�
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