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very helpful, the information in these manuels are very detailed
Please tell us what you think and share your opinions with others. Be sure to focus your comments on the product. You will receive $2.00 of store credit for Your review.
Please tell us what you think and share your opinions with others. Be sure to focus your comments on the product. You will receive $2.00 of store credit for Your review.
Good copy and great customer service! There was some confusion with my order and it was resolved promptly!
Having bought a pre-owned Sony FM stereo tuner through eBay, it came without any manuals. It soon became clear that to get the best from this excellent tuner I needed a decent manual because much of the operation was not intuitive to a newboy to hi fi like me. I managed to download the official Sony multi-lingual manual from Owner-Manuals.com with no problem at all - a really quick and easy service. I'm very glad I did because I found out all the operations of the tuner and was then able to not only set it up quickly but also to get much more from it that poke-and-hope trialling would ever achieve. In my book $4.99 very well spent.
For Model LA6805XK Only
Your washer has the SUDS-MISER� System. It has two drain hoses. One hose moves used wash water into a storage tub and moves it back into the washer when it�s called for. The other hose carries water to another tub with an open drain, or to a standpipe drain If you do not want to re-use wash water, leave the stopper out of the storage tub so the water drains away.
If you have a storage tub big enough lons (95 liters), you can have a qualified washer to save all the wash water.
to hold about 25 galinstaller convert your
Be sure the stopper IS in the storage tub. The SUDS-MISER System does not save rinse water from any cycle, nor does it save wash water from the PERMANENT PRESS Cycle
l l
Push in the Cycle
Pull the Control Knob out. The washer will pump most of the water from the storage tub back into the washer basket. The washer will finish filling with fresh water. Drain the storage tub. Water still in the tub will have any soil that settled out. The hose is cut on an angle to leave about an inch of water. If you want a cycle other than SUPER WASH to follow SUDS, push in the Cycle Control Knob after the water has been pumped back into the washer. Turn the knob right [clockwise) the cycle want. and wash time you to
Turn it right [clockwise) so it points to SUDS (see illustration).
Add about half the recom-
mended amount then the load.
of detergent
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