Thank you for having the manual I needed for an older model Aiwa stero I had found on Ebay --- I wanted the Aiwa because I had tapes and cd's but I did not have a manual as to how to operate the system... I found what I needed and it has enabled me to set the system up for my enjoyment.
I wished detailed information of the JBL S310 and here I found it! Very happy with the service from this site!
Text excerpt from page 13 (click to view)
Vklop stroja/vkljuèitev osvetlitve
Preklopnik za izbiro programa nastavite na poljuben program ali v položaj L OSVETLITEV. Stroj je vkljuèen. Pri odprtih vratih stroja je boben osvetljen.
Pozor! Perila ne potisnite med vrata stroja in gumeno tesnilo. 3. Moèno pritisnite vrata stroja. Ob zapiranju morate zaslišati zvok.
Izbira programa
S preklopnikom za izbiro programa nastavite ustrezen program. Na veènamenskem zaslonu se izpiše predviden èas trajanja programa (v minutah).
Ko je preklopnik za izbiro programa nastavljen na s VOLNA/SVILA, lahko želen program izberete s tipkama VOLNA oz. s SVILA. �e ne pritisnete nobene tipke, se samodejno nastavi program VOLNA.