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I found this rare manual, in french ! The brand of my washing machine is not famous but this site had the manual, that is perfect.
The manual was everything that I wanted. Clearly printed and delivered in very quick time. Would certainly use again if I needed a manual in the future
I received the manual in correct time. It was a perfect help for me.
excellent quality, contains circuits and scan quality, 226 pages
Great price for the manual and easy to locate on the site and download. I would buy again.
Using the Automatic
FLUFF AIR should be used for such Items as plastic show,er curtolns or tablecloths rubber~backed rugs some p~l!o~.~s stuffed toys etc l Turn the TEMPERATURE SELECTOR to FLUFF AIR
l Turn the Cycle Control Knob to the rumber of minutes you want in the TIMED DRYING Cycle
Wrth AUTOMATIC REGULAR and AUTOMATIC PERMANENT PRESS you select how dry you want the load to be When the load IS as dry OS the setttng you have selected, the Cycle Control WIII advance toward endIng the cycle Use the AUTOMATIC REGULAR Cycle to dry most family loads During the last five minutes of the dryng cycle the load IS tumbled wrt-2ut heat T*IS helps make the &ICZ eosle�+�z rcndl~ Use the AUTOMATIC PERMANENT PRESS Cycle +c dri/ permor#ent c�ress knits and oth,er syrrthetlI: fatbr is Tt-?> �!:si IC m:n,tes of !he drying cyclcl are .X �n
0k.t vet 7~1s ccm~ac�~~~ 7 : we -elm
Th s se;+ ng 5 UsefJ� for �enlo\ mg i�. r rklec fr=nl pocking n su,tcases Jr closets TLrv!BLE PRESS wlli relp put them back n�o thle r ore set shape l �et ,^Y,cie Cortroi Knob to TUMBLE
.L�rlnkies F3r the Cycle Coctrol die between
from setting r first fe!w lcods set the Knob to point in the rrld~ VERY DRY and LESS DR�T
When the dryer stops feel the Items in the load If they are about how you like them keep usrng this setting If the items are drier than you like use a setting nearer LESS DRY or COOL DOWN the next time you dry a load like that If the Items are not as dry as you want. use a setting nearer VERY DRY the next trme you dry a load like that After dr-yng a few loads find o fovorlte setting to use you WIII
Set TEMPERATURE SELECTOR to PERM T PRESS MED or HEAVY HIGH l Push the Stort Button For best results TUMBLE PRESS only o few Items at a trme put them on �angers or fold them as soon as the dn/er stops
When you are not able to unload the dryer as soon as It stops, wrrnkles can set In Your dryer has a feature called FINISH GUARD If you don�t open the door wrthln five mrnutes after the dryer stops, FINISH GUARD takes over automatically The FINISH GUARD Control tumbles the load, without heat, every five minutes for up to 40 mrnutes Thus tumbling rearronges and fluffs the load to help avord the wrinkles that set in when the load remains in a worm dryer
This temperature setting IS useful for fluffing beddrng. pillows and clothing. or dustrng dropes It IS also best to use when damp-dryng heat-sensltrve Items 6
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