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This is a very good quality print (scan) of the original SONY service manual. The original from Sony is on very thin paper. Nevertheless it is very clear and sharp and excellent readable. I'm very satisfied to have now this rare document. I've looking for it many years (infrequent). It contains very detailed circuit diagrams, exploded views, part lists, PCB view with good readable connection lines. Very recommended.
A complete manual with all the needed details of calibrations and service instructions about the radio receiver.
A big deal.
Many thanks !
Fast delivery and good quality copy. To be recommended
Excellent product, very clear print. Detailed circuit and assembly diagrams - this enabled me to repair my CD player with confidence. I highly recommend this site.
Fast access, 100% correct and complete service manual
Service Document Exchange Set
Livance GDP 2400
Service Manual
Sicherheit Safety
Materialnr./Part No. 720108000001
Es gelten die Vorschriften und Sicherheitshinweise gemä� dem Service Manual "Sicherheit", Materialnummer 720108000001, sowie zusätzlich die eventuell abweichenden, landesspezifischen Vorschriften! The regulations and safety instructions shall be valid as provided by the "Safety" Service Manual, part number 720108000001, as well as the respective national deviations.
Dieses Service Dokument ist nur in Datenform verfügbar This Service Document is only available as data �nderungen vorbehalten/Subject to alteration Made by GRUNDIG in Germany � HS-41 0904 http://www.grundig.com
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